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Tfa inglese: segnalazione risposte ambigue classe A345/6


Segnalo ambiguità nelle risposte al test del Tfa per la classe di concorso A345/6, svoltosi il 28 luglio scorso.

Domanda 41: Fill in the blank in the following sentence. Jennifer looks more tired than usual. She … a very stressful job.

A) does

B) makes

C) performs

D) undergoes

La risposta risulta ambigua in quanto anche ‘performs’ si usa seguito da ‘jobs’

Domanda 8: To understand the following sign posted… launderette: “Please remove all your clothes when the light goes out” you need:

A) to know also the context in which it is used

B) to memorize the sentence

C) to translate each word of the sentence

D) to know the structures and words it contains only

In questo caso le risposte a e b A) to know also the context in which it is used e B) to memorize the sentence, sono a mio avviso da considerarsi esatte perchè la B significa che bisogna memorizzare le istruzioni per adoperare i macchinari

Domanda 17: Fill in the blank in the following sentence. Romeo’s remarks were… as a joke, but Giulietta was offended by them.

A) meant

B) thought

C) supposed

D) pretended

Le risposte a e b sono da considerarsi entrambe esatte

Domanda 22: Which of the following options has the same degree of certainty as in B’s reply?

A: Someone’s ringing at the door. B: It has got to be the postman.

A) That must be the postman

B) That‘s likely to be the postman

C) That may be the postman

D) That might be the postman

Le risposte a e b hanno entrambe lo stesso significato e quindi sono da considerarsi esatte