Categorie: Università e Afam

Università di Macerata organizza il III Colloquio internazionale sulla cultura materiale della scuola

Il gruppo di ricerca in Storia dell’Educazione dell’Università degli Studi di Macerata sta organizzando per l’inizio di settembre 2017 (precisamente il 12 e 13 settembre 2017) il III Colloquio internazionale sulla cultura materiale della scuola.

Nella sessione di lavoro antimeridiana del 12 settembre, dal titolo “Studies on school material culture in Italy ” (Chair Roberto SANI / University of Macerata), ci saranno i seguenti interventi:

  • Anna ASCENZI / University of Macerata: Pigna Paper Mill and the Industrial Production of School Exercise-Books between ’800 and ’900
  • Juri MEDA / University of Macerata: Origins and Development of the Italian Educational Industry from ’800 to ’900
  • Marta BRUNELLI / University of Macerata: Rise and Fall of German School Scientific Instruments in Italy, through the Collections of Italian School Museums
  • Alberto BARAUSSE and Michela D’ALESSIO / University of Molise – University of Basilicata: The School Inspectors’ Functions and the School Material Culture: the Case Study of Molise and Basilicata Regions
  • Valeria VIOLA / University of Molise: School of Modernity: School Furnishings and Teaching Aids on Display at the World Expositions
  • Domenico F. A. ELIA / University «G. D’Annunzio» of Chieti-Pescara: Origins and Development of the Production of Gymnastic Tools for Italian Schools during the Liberal Age

Nel pomeriggio del 12 settembre 2017 (Chair Agustín ESCOLANO BENITO / Centro Internacional de la Cultura Escolar / Spain), con il titolo “Studies on school material culture in Brazil“, il convegno continuerà con i seguenti interventi:

  • Gizele DE SOUZA and Vera Lucia GASPAR DA SILVA / UFPR – UDESC / Brazil: World Expositions, Pedagogical Museums and CompulsoryEducation: contact points and differences
  • Heloísa Helena PIMENTA ROCHA / UNICAMP / Brazil: Material Culture, Hygiene and Child Schoolarisation
  • Juarez José TUCHINSKI DOS ANJOS / UnB / Brazil: Sources for a History of the School Material Culture during the Empire of Brazil from the Archives of Brazilian Parliament (1826-1834)
  • Andréa BEZERRA CORDEIRO / UFPR / Brazil: The Teacher as Author in the Production of School Furniture and Teaching Aids at the Beginning of the XX Century in Argentina
  • Alberto BARAUSSE / University of Molise: The Italian Consuls and the Problem of the Material Culture for the “Italianity” in Ethnic Schools of Brazil
  • Eliane PERES and Vania GRIM THIES / UFPel / Brazil: Archives’ Policy for the Historical-Educational Research: the case of HISALES (History of Literacy, Reading, Writing and Textbooks)
  • Etienne BALDEZ LOUZADA BARBOSA / UFPR / Brazil: The School Material Culture Indicated by the Inspectorates of Public Education during the Empire of Brazil

Il giorno seguente, 13 settembre 2017 i lavori riprenderanno  con un Workshop dal titolo “The History of Education and Children’s Literature in Italy between the Requirements of ANVUR and the New Perspectives for Cultural Growth and Internationalisation“ (Chair Simonetta POLENGHI / Catholic University of the Sacred Heart /Milan):


  • Roberto SANI / University of Macerata


  • Milena BERNARDI / University of Bologna
  • Francesca BORRUSO / University of Roma Tre
  • Vittoria BOSNA / University of Bari
  • Lorenzo CANTATORE / University of Roma Tre
  • Carmela COVATO / University of Roma Tre
  • Antonella CAGNOLATI / University of Foggia
  • Mirella D’ASCENZO / University of Bologna
  • Carla CALLEGARI / University of Padova
  • Carla GHIZZONI / Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan
  • Giorgia GRILLI / University of Bologna
  • Tiziana PIRONI / University of Bologna
  • Brunella SERPE / University of Calabria
  • Giuseppe ZAGO / University of Padova


  • Simonetta POLENGHI / Catholic University of the Sacred Heart / Milan
Aldo Domenico Ficara

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